<aside> ✅ The ScandiPWA theme integrates seamlessly with Magento


You might want to install ScandiPWA as a Magento theme (without using Create Magento App) – and this is supported out of the box! You can install the theme as a local composer module, and continuously build it, and Magento will be able to recognize it as a valid Magento theme. Then, you will be able to select your ScandiPWA-based theme in the Magento configuration.

<aside> ➡️ If you are using Create Magento App you’re lucky! It has a built-in ScandiPWA linking function built-in. Read how to setup ScandPWA with CMA in minutes!



Make sure that you have a supported Magento version! Also, make sure your server is configured to point into <MAGENTO ROOT>/pub directory.

Install the ScandiPWA theme with Composer

We recommend you keep your theme source in the src/localmodules directory. You will then be able to configure the composer to install the theme from here as a local module.

mkdir src/localmodules
cd src/localmodules

If you’re just getting started:

Verify that your system has the required tools installed, and create a new theme!

If you already have a theme:

Simply move your ScandiPWA theme into the localmodules directory:

mv ~/Projects/<your-theme> . # path to your theme
cd <your-theme>

Build or start the application in Magento mode:

<aside> ➡️ If you choose to start – you will need to keep this process running. It continuously rebuilds the theme when changes are made. Open a new terminal tab to enter new commands.


Now the new theme is created, but we need to install it using Composer. We will install the newly-created theme by taking advantage of Composer’s ability to install from local repository sources.

First, we add our theme as a local repository source. This will alter composer.json to add a new item in the repositories field:

composer config repo.theme path localmodules/<your-app-name>

Next, we install our theme by using require. This will resolve the package to the localmodules directory we configured above:

composer require scandipwa/<your-app-name>

Configure persisted-query

For improved ScandiPWA query caching to work, you must configure scandipwa/persisted-query. For convenience, there are additional flags available for php bin/magento setup:config:set command:

Flag Required? Description Example
--pq-host Yes Persisted query Redis host
--pq-port Yes Persisted query Redis port 6379
--pq-database Yes Persisted query Redis database 5
--pq-scheme Yes Persisted query Redis database tcp
--pq-password No Persisted query Redis password
(empty password is not allowed) empty

Enable the ScandiPWA Theme

Run the upgrade command and disable full-page caching:

bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:disable full_page

It is now time to enable the new theme. In the Magento admin panel, navigate to Content > Design > Configuration. Edit the scope you want to change (typically the most general one in the list), and select the new theme. Finally, flush the cache:

bin/magento cache:flush

<aside> ✅ The new theme should now be served on the frontend. Congratulations, you now have a ScandiPWA Magento Theme!
