<aside> ✅ ScandiPWA uses PropTypes to help verify that the expected props are passed, and catch bugs


PropTypes is a library for React that verifies at runtime if props have the correct type, and if required props are passed.

<aside> 🚨 PropTypes are only used in development builds, which means that production builds will be more efficient - but it also means that you should not rely on PropTypes being present in the production build!


PropTypes are declared as a static field:

// component/CategoryPaginationLink/CategoryPaginationLink.component.js (annotated excerpt)

import { ChildrenType } from 'Type/Common';

export class CategoryPaginationLink extends PureComponent {
    static propTypes = {
        // component children are treated as props in React
        // by leaving out .isRequired, we make them optional
        children: ChildrenType,
        // we expect the getPage prop to be a function
        // it is required, so this will emit a warning if
        // getPage is not provided
        getPage: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
        // isCurrent expects a boolean
        isCurrent: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
        // expects a string
        url_path: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        // expects a number
        pageNumber: PropTypes.number.isRequired

    static defaultProps = {
        // we must provide a default value for every prop that
        // is optionalex
        children: []

Advanced Types

Sometimes you want to specify that a prop expects something more complex than a number or a string. You can check the official documentation to learn how to use:

For example, you could specify that a prop expecting a payment method should be given an object with two string properties:

    code: PropTypes.string,
    title: PropTypes.string

However, it is likely that this "complex" type would be needed in multiple places in the application. Copy-pasting the same PropType definition would lead to code duplication, and a hard-to-maintain codebase. Instead, we prefer defining these types in the type directory and exporting them for re-use:

// type/Checkout.js (excerpt)

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

export const paymentMethodType = PropTypes.shape({
    code: PropTypes.string,
    title: PropTypes.string

Now, we can use this type definition anywhere we want:

// component/CheckoutPayment/CheckoutPayment.component.js (excerpt)

import { paymentMethodType } from 'Type/Checkout';

/** @namespace Component/CheckoutPayment/Component */
export class CheckoutPayment extends PureComponent {
    static propTypes = {
        method: paymentMethodType.isRequired,
        onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
        isSelected: PropTypes.bool