✅ ScandiPWA uses PropTypes
to help verify that the expected props are passed, and catch bugs
PropTypes is a library for React that verifies at runtime if props have the correct type, and if required props are passed.
🚨 PropTypes are only used in development builds, which means that production builds will be more efficient - but it also means that you should not rely on PropTypes
being present in the production build!
are declared as a static field:
// component/CategoryPaginationLink/CategoryPaginationLink.component.js (annotated excerpt)
import { ChildrenType } from 'Type/Common';
export class CategoryPaginationLink extends PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
// component children are treated as props in React
// by leaving out .isRequired, we make them optional
children: ChildrenType,
// we expect the getPage prop to be a function
// it is required, so this will emit a warning if
// getPage is not provided
getPage: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
// isCurrent expects a boolean
isCurrent: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
// expects a string
url_path: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
// expects a number
pageNumber: PropTypes.number.isRequired
static defaultProps = {
// we must provide a default value for every prop that
// is optionalex
children: []
Sometimes you want to specify that a prop expects something more complex than a number or a string. You can check the official documentation to learn how to use:
to expect an instance of a classoneOf
to expect an enum-like value that can have one of the specified valuesoneOfType
to indicate that this prop may have one of the specified typesarrayOf
or objectOf
to specify that this prop is an array or object where each value has the specified typeshape
or exact
to specify that the prop should be an object, as well as what keys and values you expect it to haveFor example, you could specify that a prop expecting a payment method should be given an object with two string properties:
code: PropTypes.string,
title: PropTypes.string
However, it is likely that this "complex" type would be needed in multiple places in the application. Copy-pasting the same PropType definition would lead to code duplication, and a hard-to-maintain codebase. Instead, we prefer defining these types in the type
directory and exporting them for re-use:
// type/Checkout.js (excerpt)
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
export const paymentMethodType = PropTypes.shape({
code: PropTypes.string,
title: PropTypes.string
Now, we can use this type definition anywhere we want:
// component/CheckoutPayment/CheckoutPayment.component.js (excerpt)
import { paymentMethodType } from 'Type/Checkout';
/** @namespace Component/CheckoutPayment/Component */
export class CheckoutPayment extends PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
method: paymentMethodType.isRequired,
onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
isSelected: PropTypes.bool