<aside> ✅ You can override index.html and any other static file by matching its path


By default, ScandiPWA provides this index file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

    <!-- Muli font import from Adobe -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<https://use.typekit.net/gbk7rfi.css>">

    <!-- Default Meta -->
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff" />
    <meta name="description" content="Web site created using create-scandipwa-app" />

    <!-- Default content-configurations -->
        window.contentConfiguration = {};
        window.storeList = ['default'];
        window.storeRegexText = `/(${window.storeList.join('|')})?`;
    <noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
    <div id="root"></div>

If you want to change any of these values or import additional assets, you will need to override this file. Simply copy it to public/index.html of your theme's directory, and make the changes you need.

When compiling into Magento 2 theme, the application is using different file, the public/index.php:

    $colorConfig = $this->getThemeConfiguration('color_customization');
    $contentConfig = $this->getThemeConfiguration('content_customization');
    $icons = $this->getAppIconData();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?= $this->getLocaleCode() ?>">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no, viewport-fit=cover">

        <!-- Muli font import from Abode -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="<https://use.typekit.net/gbk7rfi.css>">

            (function() {
                if (typeof globalThis === 'object') return;
                Object.prototype.__defineGetter__('__magic__', function() {
                    return this;
                __magic__.globalThis = __magic__;
                delete Object.prototype.__magic__;

            window.actionName = { type: `<?= $this->getAction(); ?>` };
            window.contentConfiguration = <?= json_encode($contentConfig) ?> || {};
            window.storeList = JSON.parse(`<?= $this->getStoreListJson() ?>`);
            window.storeRegexText = `/(${window.storeList.join('|')})?`;

        <!-- Icons -->
        <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/pub/media/favicon/favicon.png">

        <?php foreach ($icons['ios_startup'] as $icon): ?>
            <?= sprintf('<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" sizes="%s" href="%s">', $icon["sizes"], $icon["href"]); ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>

        <?php foreach ($icons['ios'] as $icon): ?>
            <?= sprintf('<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="%s" href="%s">', $icon["sizes"], $icon["href"]); ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>

        <?php foreach ($icons['icon'] as $icon): ?>
            <?= sprintf('<link rel="icon" sizes="%s" href="%s">', $icon["sizes"], $icon["href"]); ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>

        <!-- Manifest -->
        <link rel="manifest" href="/pub/media/webmanifest/manifest.json">
        <?php if ($colorConfig['enable_color_customization']['enable_custom_colors'] !== "0"): ?>
            <?php $colorArray = $colorConfig['primary_colors'] + $colorConfig['secondary_colors']; ?>
            :root {
                <?php foreach ($colorArray as $code => $color): ?>
                    <?php if (strpos($code, 'color') !== false): ?>
                        <?= sprintf('--imported_%s: #%s;', $code, $color); ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>
                <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
    <noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
    <div id="root"></div>

If you want to change any of these values or import additional assets, you will need to override this file. Simply copy it to public/index.php of your theme's directory, and make the changes you need.

How to get translations in storefront mode?

to get translations in proxy mode, per store views we also modified index.html: Menu config:

window.contentConfiguration = {
    header_content: {
        "contacts_cms": null,
        "header_menu": menus[storeCode] || "uae-en-main-menu"

And defaultLocale, eg:

window.defaultLocale = storeCode?.includes('_ar') ? 'ar_KW' : 'en_US';