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This setting allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of your store’s logo, ensuring that it aligns with your brand's identity and enhances the overall look of your website. Additionally, you can upload a favicon for your store to create a consistent brand presence across browser tabs.


The Logo Image setting lets you upload a custom logo that will be displayed across your store.

Note: If no logo image is uploaded, the store name will be displayed as text instead of a logo.

Logo Width

The Logo Width setting allows you to adjust the size of your logo to ensure it fits perfectly within your store's layout.

Note: The height of the logo will adjust automatically.

Special feature The logo automatically reduces in vertical size as the screen is scrolled down, adjusting to fit within the menu's dimensions. This behavior occurs consistently across all pages.

Satoshi demo - 3 September 2024 (1).mp4


The Favicon Picker setting allows you to upload a custom favicon, a small icon displayed in the browser tab next to your store’s name.

Customizing your logo and favicon settings ensures that your brand is consistently represented across your store and beyond. The flexibility offered by these settings allows you to adapt your logo and favicon to match your overall theme design, providing a polished and professional look for your customers.