Product list actions perform an action on product options, such as selecting or deselecting a specific product type, filtering by any value: price, color, etc, and how the customer wants to see the products – in a list or in a grid view. Mainly product list actions includes layered navigation and sorting functionality.

<aside> ℹ️ Usually, styling this element takes from-to: 4-8h


Where this element can be seen?

A product list of actions can be found on the following elements:

How should this element be designed?

Screenshot from 2022-01-13 17-13-08.png

Screenshot from 2022-01-13 17-13-45.png

Screenshot from 2022-01-13 17-14-16.png

Screenshot from 2022-01-13 17-16-02.png

Screenshot from 2022-01-13 17-20-14.png

The product list actions should be displayed accounting for the following:

Please account for the following states:

Design example #1

Design example #3

Design example #3

How to develop styles for this element?

Most of the category product list filters reside in the CategoryFilterOverlayCategoryConfigurableAttributesProductConfigurableAttributes component. Please, take into account that, ProductConfigurableAttributes is also re-used in multiple places of the app, so if designs are not common, make sure to isolate your styles.







How to theme reset filters?

The ResetAttributes component is responsible for rendering reset items. The ResetButton component is responsible for rendering the reset button.

How to theme select filters?

Method in CategoryConfigurableAttributes.renderDropdown is responsible for rendering select filters.

How to theme layout switch buttons?

The renderLayoutButtons method of the CategoryPage component renders the layout options.

How to theme color swatch filters?

The CategoryConfigurableAttributes component is responsible for rendering filters. It extends the ProductConfigurableAttributes component and defines additional logic on top. Individual values in the dropdown are rendered by ProductAttributeValue.

ProductAttributeValue.renderColorValue renders the color swatches.

How to theme text swatch filters?

ProductAttributeValue.renderStringValue renders the text swatches.

How to theme image swatch filters?

ProductAttributeValue.renderImageValue renders the picture swatches.

How to theme sorting options?

Theme the CategorySort component.

How to theme price filters?

<aside> ➡️ NOTE: The price slider is not supported by the default ScandiPWA for now therefore it should be done by the internal team.


CategoryConfigurableAttributes.renderPriceSwatch renders the price filters.

Implementation example #1

Implementation example #2