<aside> 🧑🎓 It is recommended to run your ScandiPWA application using an HTTP2 server or use a production version of your application to read analyze performance.
For measuring it is preferred to use Chrome dev tools Performance insights tab, where it is possible to see the whole flow of the rendering app.
After opening Performance insight tool, set the throttling, to how scripts are downloaded and parsed in a more accurate way.
We suggest using setting Network to Fast 3G and CPU to 4x slowdown.
Make sure Disable cache is enabled.
Now when all set up, we can start measuring our page. Click on the record button and select Measure page load.
Tool will refresh the page and start recording page performance.
Do not leave the page until the measure is done, it will affect how files are downloaded and can show not correct results
Once measure is done the FCP and LCP events will appear on the timeline.
<aside> 🎉 We are ready to read the trace!